NAI'A's Blog: The Divemaster Diary - Divemaster Diary
Dr. Pygmy And Lady Fishface In Lau: Exciting Sightings!
We take Our Beloved Seas and their enthusiastic divers to explore the most beautiful place in Fiji: the Lau Group.
Dr. Pygmy and Lady Fishface
The nerdiest divers we've ever had on board explore Fiji in search of our endemic species.
More of That, Please!
Herg and Kerri bring some of their best people to dive the best of Fiji, take a million great photos, watch mantas courting and play too much marble games.
Richard Levu Part III - The Goats Return to Scream
Fabulous photographers and insane goats return to NAI'A. It's been two years, but it feels like just yesterday. The dives are wonderful, the people are nuts and the pictures will make you smile.
Horny, Horny Mantas
A trip around Fiji's best dive sites. Hammerheads and grey reef sharks. Huge tunas and mackerels. Ghost pipefish and leopard sharks. We saw it all. Oh, and then there were the manta courtship dance. Sweet.
Best Trip Ever!!
We tour Fiji with an amazing group of divers, new and seasoned. Amazing sightings from hammerheads to humpback whales, as well as a few anthias and soft corals.
Manta Love - Part 4
The perfect mix of individuals joins us for a great week of diving. We see hammerheads, humpbacks on the surface and courting manta rays.
Teased by humpbacks
We travel through Fiji with a group of Israelis, a Spanish girl, a Colorado couple, a former basketball player and the most unlikely dive duo we had on board. Mantas, hammerheads, guitarfish, humpback whales and a lot of fun.
Birthday Wishes Come True
Two birthday wishes, two wishes come true. We take families, couples and adventurous individuals to dive the best Fiji has to offer. Amazing dives with a side of humpback whales.
I Need A Cigarette After That Penis Fencing
We take Michelle and her Colorado followers to (re)visit the best of Fiji's diving. We make new friends, sight humpback whales before diving with mantas and watch as two flatworms do their "penis fencing" thing.
Exceptional Winter Sightings
We tour Fiji with an exceptional group of individuals. We see manta rays, octopuses, hammerheads, more manta rays.
“We loved every minute of our time with you in Tonga! It could not have been any better. Each and every member of the NAI’A team was outstanding and each of you made our whale expedition unforgettable. The whales, the hospitality, the guides, the skiff driving, the dinners and the singing and kava… Everything was wonderful. It was the best honeymoon ever!”

~ Buzz & Ellie